Enserve Company Limited

Product / Service:Enserve Company Limited
Business overview
Enserve is a Tokyo-based trading company specializing in metal materials and products.
Keita Matsunoki

Product / Service

Product / Service Name Medical Steel Products (Wires and Instruments)
Overview Enserve offers medical steel materials manufactured in Japan. Our team, with various expertise and strengths, is dedicated to creating tailor-made and optimized medical steel materials to meet your QCD requirements. Currently, we offer medical instruments, primarily in Orthopedics and Neurosurgery, as well as medical wires (Braided, Straighten, Torque Wire, Torque Coils, etc.) for catheters or similar applications.
Price Available for disclosure to potential customers
Patent Available for disclosure to potential customers
Strength Our products are more price-competitive than those of market leaders from North America and Europe, yet the quality is closely comparable to theirs. Unlike specialized companies, we can combine different components to create sub-assemblies, making it easier for end-users to produce products with reliable quality (e.g., Hypo tube with welded wire).






Overseas Sales

  • UK
  • Germany
  • China

Collaboration Experiences (domestic and international)

Most of our medical instruments are co-developed with Japanese medical institutions.
Our medical wires are typically co-developed with catheter manufacturers worldwide.


We are looking to identify direct customers or sales partners in Texas. Our end users are typically large companies or medical institutions, and we face challenges in finding the right contacts within these organizations. While we are confident in the quality and performance of our products, we have limited marketing resources. With this program, our goal is to connect with suitable sales partners to help develop the market.

Contribution to achieving the SDGs

Offers Special Metal Products to improve Efficiency or Consumable Product

  • Product / Service:Enserve Company Limited